A Twelve-week engagement with Deloitte & Lockheed-Martin
Interfacing with the national defense.
Deloitte engaged our designers to tackle a unique data-visualization challenge: Transforming a defense contractor’s 1,500-step process for building and maintaining the bleeding-edge F-35 combat aircraft into a relatable and easy-to-understand interface for consultants and executives.
Our solution took advantage of Microsofts’ 84-inch, high-resolution multi-touch screen with national-defense data locally stored on the device. The result shows how processes, customized projects, and myriad resources interact in new and profitable ways.
[Our designers] have been so responsive, organized, and creative ... I really appreciate the amount of thinking that goes into this because it’s super complex. I wish we’d been working with these guys from the very start.
Senior Manager, Sales Technology & Digital Innovation, Deloitte Consulting