A twelve-week engagement with Yoga Therapy Library

A diversity of data & representation.

The experts at The Sundara Foundation were looking for a way to get their decades of yoga-informed trauma therapy into the hands of yoga instructors everywhere while simultaneously offering more diverse representations of their students. The solution was both a new company and a new suite of products—the Yoga Therapy Library.

The first step was the creation of a yoga sequence builder for therapists and instructors. Our research revealed a crowded market of unsophisticated products defined by poor usability, information overload, overly complicated taxonomies, and stereotypically biased representation being disrupted by only a small handful of more sophisticated fitness brands.

In contrast, YTL’s easy-to-use sequence builder combines a diversity of models, unprecedented pose data, and video-style playback so students can see themselves in their routines. It also collects performative feedback for instructors and product managers.

Building off of the success of the sequence builder, we followed up by helping YTL create and launch an interactive pose catalog and suite of therapeutic resources to help any instructor level up their sequences while better accommodating the unique needs of their students.